On 2009-02-02, Paul Johnson wrote:

> I have converted from a big document to a single small master document
> that includes the separate chapters.
> Here are some problems I've run into.

> 2. It is much nicer to work on the separate chapters in separate
> files.  They are smaller, more manageable.  If you are smart and you
> keep the chapters in separate directories, your life will be happier.

This is my experience too. I also put the graphic files for the chapter 
in the same subdir.

>  Even though each chapter setup indicates that it has a master
> document, and I *thought* Lyx would get a pre-amble from that master
> document, it appears to have no effect when I look at chapters. 

I prefer it this way as it allows a "specific" preamble. 

> So I end up copying the whole preamble from the master document into
> each chapter. Boring.

I put the common configuration into a file "preamble.tex" and include it
in the preamble with \input{preamble.tex} (in main.lyx) and
\input{../preamble.tex} in the sub-documents (as they are in subdirs).
Also, I use grep and replace in a text editor a lot for changes in all
the sub-documents.

> Also, it is a problem that Chapter numbering is not correct when you
> work on chapters by themselves.  There is an easy fix to set the
> chapter counter in ERT at the top of the document, but it is a bit of
> a pain.

You can also set it in the LaTeX preamble -- this is an advantage of the
sub-document-specific preamble.

> Another problem I notice is that it is tedious to experiment with
> different document settings when working on separate chapters.  If the
> main document, the one that has all the includes, is KOMA script, but
> then a chapter is just regular book, then when you use LyX to try view
> the whole document, you will get a lot of warnings about child
> documents of different types every time you view.

This was already discussed once but seems to be forgotten or still


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