Piero Faustini wrote:
Support for lilypond-book would be interesting. And sure - if you volunteer to do some work then you will get it faster.

I would happily contribute, but I'm not a programmer. May I be of some help just giving some suggestion or testing?

This process can be divided into several steps, you won't have to do it all at once.

I think your 4-steps are a perfect roadmap.

I have a doubt, although it's regarding more the LaTeX-LilyPond integration: lily-book knows how to break music lines (or pages) in a given latex environment, but it can't guess if this environment will change after LaTeX compile. I mean: I'm writing a komascript book using some packages which can alter heavily the shape of the text, such as BibLaTeX, by adding more text. This is the reason why my LyX's LaTeX run up to 4 times when compiling, and everything works ok. Can lilypond-book give instructions at the beginning of this process? Can it be run more than once between Latex runs just to refine the process? If yes, what about LyX and all this mess?

I don't know. LyX can be enhanced to do anything that you can do with latex+lilypond. As you said, LyX already knows to run latex several times in order to resolve bibliographies, references, TOCs and so on. If lilypond outputs information to the effect that "something changed, and so a rerun *might* be necessary", then sure - LyX can be programmed to get the message.

Or, if it is necessary (and sufficient) to re-run lilypond on each re-run of latex, then that can be arranged instead.

The big question is - how can we know that another re-run is needed? LyX can't look at the final PDF and spot a badly broken musical line. However, lyx can be made to search any logfile lilypond produce, and look for messages that indicate such problems.

I don't know enough about lilypond to answer this.

Helge Hafting

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