I did do that already and already made several nice documents with the
standard article class. I do, however, not see where the files from the
zip file supplied by the publisher must go
I copied the file Rpd.cls to a subdir rpd in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex
Did sudo chmod a+r Rpd.cls and sudo mktexlsr which did not complain.
Than as a kind of brute force attempt copied all the other files to both
~/.lyx/layouts and /.lyx/templates.
tex2lyx on the file document.tex results in "Could not find layout file
for textclass "Rpd"".
Now I am stuck because I did not really know what I did and not what to
do. Many thanks for any help.

Rich Shepard wrote:
On Mon, 6 Apr 2009, Janwillem vn Dijk wrote:

What am I to do to get starting to write a publication using LyX?


Download and install the latest version then work the Tutorial.


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