Piero Faustini wrote:
>  Everything
>  went wrong when I added the 120+th reference and cited it.May it be that
>  it was the last drop that made Bib(La)TeX needed to be run 3 times?

Is this a specific reference or does the problem occur with any arbitrary 
120est reference?

> Terminal Output 2 (NO BIB, references, citations, etc. just labels in bold;
>  - speak about fatal error: is this the reason?):

Most likely. But then, a third bibtex run most probably won't help.

> This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (MiKTeX 2.7)The top-level auxiliary file:

Hm, you use standard bibtex. Probably, the rather small capacities of this 
program are reached (this happens easily with biblatex, see the manual).

The first thing I'd try is to use bibtex8 instead. In Tools > Preferences > 
Output > LaTeX, change the bibtex command to something like
bibtex8 --wolfgang --csfile latin9.csf

the --csfile argument specifies the encoding. The example above implies that 
you are using latin9 (i.e., the bib file is encoded in ISO 8859-15).

--wolfgang sets the capacities to the highest predefined values. If this is 
still not sufficient (such as in a book I'm currently writing), you can extend 
the limits even further. For instance, I currently use:

bibtex8 --wolfgang --mentstrs 50000 --csfile latin9.csf

(this is sufficient for ~700 references with biblatex).

If you use bibtex8, you also need to change the biblatex options: you have to 
use the option backend=bibtex8. See the biblatex manual for further 
information about bibtex8.


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