
I am trying to get Information Mapping running on my Lyx 1.6.3., the LaTex class and style has been produced by Gerd Neugebauer as limap.cls and limap.sty, both are part of the TeX Live 2007 distribution.

There is no accompanying .layout file for LyX, so I presume that I need to write one. However, after reading chapter 5 of the Customization Manual I am somewhat baffled as to what to do.

Do I:
1) need to create a whole new document class, since limap.cls is not part of the standard classes, or
2) can I write a short layout file that points lyx in the right direction?

If the former is the case then I'm unsure what it would help me to have a Latex .cls or .sty file in the first place, since I need to write the entire layout file anyway. Surely I'm missing something vital here?

Kind regards,

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