2010/1/15 stephen's mailinglist account <stephen4mailingli...@googlemail.com>:
> It work for a table I had in a Komascript book
> in latex preamble insert \usepackage{pdflscape}
> then use ERT (ctrl-l) before and after table to insert
> \begin{landscape} and \end{landscape}repectively
>> 2010/1/15 Richard Brown <rich...@guidedelearning.com>:
>>> Hello yet again.
>>> I have a big table in my ms, which can only fit on the page if I put it
>>> in landscape mode. How do I do this for just one page, leaving the rest
>>> as portrait which is fine? I'm using Koma script Book and the table was
>>> generated by using insert > float > table
>>> Thanks again.
>>> Richard

I'm interested to know if there is a more 'LyX' way of doing this


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