Hi users,

   I've traced this to the use of the babel package - it seems to be 
automatically set for use in Tools->Preferences...->Language 
settings->Language dialog.

   What I find strange is that LyX seems to be introducing the \selectlanguage 
and \foreignlanguage commands in what appears to be a random fashion. When I 
create a new equation-reference, I get something like:


Does anyone know why these show up? In the language settings dialog I see 
options for Auto begin and Auto end which are checked in my case. Also, in 
the "Command start:" line-edit, I see "\selectlanguage{$$language}". I am 
guessing it it these settings that are responsible for the spurious language 
switchings inside my \eqref. But if these are defaults for new documents, is 
there a reason why I may not have seen this before? How does the "british" 
language enter my document - the default is probably just "English" on my 
system. Even my \documentclass command (on latex export) shows the british 


On Thursday 25 February 2010 10:46:20 am Manoj Rajagopalan wrote:
> Hi users,
>    I find \selectlanguage{british} and \selectlanguage{english}
> automatically springing up in my exported latex code (I am not able to
> generate DVI from within lyx for this reason).
>    My document is a simple one with "article" document class. The only
> module I am using is TODO notes (and that is where the \selectlanguage
> causes problems - it begins to show up within the text for the todo-note).
>    I haven't messed with any other document setting.
>    Does anyone know how and why this command shows up at all?
> thanks,
> Manoj

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