Am 20.04.2010 17:18, schrieb Shirley Ong:

Can someone show me how I can update text using Lyx or Tex code?
Basically, what I want is similar to the Bookmark + cross reference
features in MS Word. For example, I create a bookmark with text “update
me”. Then I create a cross reference somewhere else in the document. The
cross reference also shows “update me”. When I change the bookmark text
to “you are updated” and select to update the whole document, the cross
referenced text now shows “you are updated”.

Sure, this is one of the key features of LyX/LaTeX.
I'm wondering that you are not getting automatically updated cross-references.

Sorry for this question but have you read the LyX Tutorial? It explains LyX's basic features like cross-references.

If you already have read the Tutorial and it doesn't work, please report back and I'll help you to get it working.

regards Uwe

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