2010-09-11 03:21, obregonma...@gmail.com skrev:
> On Friday 10 September 2010, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
>> Am 10.09.2010 16:20, schrieb obregonma...@gmail.com:
>>> I used to be able to include PDF pages into my lyx with with 
>>> Insert|File|ExternalMaterial|pdfpages. However, something has changed and 
>>> when I generate pdflatex output, it cannot find the file, even though I can 
>>> see the preview out the PDF document in lyx. I look around and I cannot 
>>> find the file it refers to. The error I get is:
>>> Package pdfpages error: Cannot find file `0_home_mateo_work_article'.
>>> However, if I export the lyx file with tex(pdflatex), I can run pdflatex on 
>>> the resulting tex file and get the desired result. If I look at the tex 
>>> fiel, I see:
>>> \includepdf[pages=-]{article}

I had a similar problem with LyX 1.6.7 on mac and Opensuse 11.2 (but not
on Windows 7). I can't remember the error exact message, but I upgraded
pdfpages to the latest version on both mac and OpenSuse and that fixed
the problem. Miktex on Windows keeps upgrading packages all the time
which probably explains why the problem never occurred on that platform.



>> The problem is that LyX cannot yet handle relative paths very well. 
>> Therefore try to specify the file with its absolute path.
> Thanks for your quick reply. I tried fully specifying the file name in the 
> dpfpages dialogue box, but I get the same error message. I exported the lyx 
> document to latex(pdflatex) and I looked at the \includepdf{} command. I see:
> \includepdf[pages=-]{0_home_mateo_work_article}
> which does not work because there is no file by this name.
> Any more suggestions?
> Should I regard this as a bug in v. 1.6.7 that is known about and therefore I 
> shouldn't worry about filing a bug report?
> Mateo.

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