Hello all!
I am new to Lyx and I want to use it to typeset an academic book.
When I insert a certain book as citation it gets wrongly sorted in the bibliography. All other titles are sorted on the last namn of the autor: Doe, John. This particular entry is sorted as: John Doe and placed out of alphabetical order. I have tested several different bibliographical styles and imported to and from the Bibtex file several times but this particular entry is still differently sorted than every other entry.

Some entries from the pdf-file:

Ortman, Oscar. Se dösen och dö sen gentagelser av
Åke Fredsjö och västsvenskt mesolitikum. GOTARC
Series B Gothenburg Archaeological Theses. Gö-
teborg, 2008.

Åsa Gillberg. En plats i historien: Nils Niklassons liv
och arbete. Nummer 18 i GOTARC. Arkeologiska institutionen Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg,

Rydh, Hanna. Oscar Montelius En vägrödjare genom
årtusenden. Åhlén & Söners förlag, Stockholm,

The incorrect entry is the last. It is sorted on the authours first name and not placed in any alphabetical order at all.

I use Zotero+Lyz to export to a Bibtex file. I have deleted and entered the post in Zotero and re-exported it several times, but the error remains. I have tried to check the bibtex file and the entry seems to be entered in the same way as everything else. I do not think the error is due to the fact I write in Swedish. Other entries with special Swedish characters are sorted correctly
What am I doing wrong?

Best Regards

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