On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 7:34 PM, John Kane <jrkrid...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> As the subject heading says I wondered if it was possible to use the latex 
> package 'parallel' in LyX?  It seems to be similar in purpose to something 
> like ledmac.
> I'm not intending to actually us it so this is just a curiosity question.
I'm not sure if LyX supports this natively.

Google 'lyx parallel' found an old thread on teh subject [1]. And the
wiki 'feature requests' has a poll on 'ledmac' support. I guess you
could add the one for 'parallel' [2].

As usual with LyX, you can input \usepackage{parallel} in the preamble
and try using it via ERT, and see what happens. Regards

[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-users@lists.lyx.org/msg28767.html
[2] http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/FeaturePoll2#toc1

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