On 10/02/2011 5:49 PM, Danny Parker wrote:
I'm having a problem getting properly formatted figures in my output.  At
first I was using LyX float and insert graphic command which I mistakenly
though would format figures according to the class of my thesis.  However it
caused the caption of the output to be something like

Figure #
Double spaced caption

Where the guideline is

Figure #. Caption single spaced

Upon some digging I found that the class defined a new command \Figure which
reads in *.eps files only.  So I tried inserting ERT to call that class but
when I try to create a pdf I get an error that says "LaTeX Error: Unknown
graphics extension: .eps."  After doing some searching I think this is
because it is not properly calling the graphics format converters.  This is
where I'm beyond my understanding to fix.

What I want to do is either get the ERT to work properly or to change LyX's
settings to produce the proper formatting.  Any help anyone can give would
be greatly appreciated.



If you use your msuthesis.cls file directly with latex and use the \Figure command, you will see that the problem you mention is still there:
Figure #
Centered caption

So actually your class file does not conform to the guidelines you mention. No fault of LyX. So either seek an updated version of msuthesis.cls, if there is one, or search/ask the latex gurus how to achieve the desired caption format.


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