Am 01.04.2011 um 22:05 schrieb Murat Yildizoglu:

> I use Divvy too on my MacBook. 

That's strange indeed.

Some time ago I've used 10.6.6 and got crashes with LyX + divvy.
Now I'm upgraded to 10.6.7 LyX doesn't crash but divvy adjusts only LyX 
position anymore.

When trying cinch + LyX on 10.6.7 cinch rejects to operate on LyX - see the 

<<inline: Bildschirmfoto 2011-04-01 um 22.46.24.png>>

I'd say these advanced window manager stuff shouldn't crash LyX but it's not 
LyX fault.
The best I can do is to build another LyX with Qt-4.7.1 or 4.7.2 and see what 
But there are other drawbacks of this Qt-Library we don't really have solved.


> Le 1 avr. 2011 à 18:59, Stephan Witt <> a écrit :
>> Am 01.04.2011 um 17:57 schrieb Murat Yildizoglu:
>>> Strange,
>>> I use the same OS (but in French) on a MacbookPro and can 
>>> move/minimize/maximize the window without crashing LyX. I continue to use 
>>> 1.6 as my working version, so I have not experimenting a lot with the RC2, 
>>> but I have moved the window in every direction for testing your problem, 
>>> without being able to duplicate it.
>>> Murat
>>> 2011/4/1 <>
>>> Hi, LyX 2.0 RC2 keeps crashing on my Mac OS X 10.6.4... Sometimes it runs 
>>> for a while before crashing, sometimes it crashes right away. When I resize 
>>> or move the window it always seems to crash. Often I don't have to do 
>>> anything to make it crash. Is that a known bug? Any solutions? I am happy 
>>> to provide further information...
>> I've asked Gregor privately for a crash report. He kindly sent me one and it 
>> looks exactly like the report here:
>> Greg, are you using divvy too?

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