On 07/06/2011 09:34 AM, Thomas wrote:
> On 05/07/2011 22:06, Jakob Schlockermann wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I have the following problem with Lyx 2.0:
>> When creating a References list with my Bibtex-Database (which is
>> managed in Jabref), the references simply go down the whole first page
>> over the pagenumber and so on, until the last half of one entry can be
>> seen and then the page is over... this is obviously not a good
>> status...changing document class (I use normally koma-script) or the
>> references-list-design does not help, also deleting and creating new
>> does not change anything...
>> I had some stuff more in the latexthingy but now I have removed
>> everything except
>> \@ifundefined{rotatebox}
>> {\usepackage{graphicx}}{}
>> Still, no solution... does anyone have an idea?
> Hi,
> I have a similiar problem. In my case it seems that as I add more text
> to my document the bibliograpy starts to behave properly (i.e. no
> spilling over page numbers). I guess the issue is similiar to float
> placements which seems to be a Latex issue.
It's hard to solve this kind of problem without seeing the file. My
advice would be to try to bisect it: Keep removing stuff until the
problem goes away. (Add a bunch of \nocite's to keep your references
there, if necessary.) Then see if you can't identify the problem.


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