On 06.09.2011 21:07, Pavel Sanda wrote:
Olivier Ripoll wrote:
I installed 2.0.1 yesterday on Windows7... Not the official, and not
announced yet, but a from a very reliable&  trustable source. You just need
to know where to find it ;-)

If you mean binary produced by Uwe, its not on our ftp because its not 
reliable contrary to what you say. OTOH it might the only one available for
the next weeks...

Note that I did not write that the binary produced by Uwe was reliable (I'd need days of testing to know). I wrote that Uwe, the source of the binary, is reliable. And I'm pretty sure we do agree on that :-)

I have always found both "branches" very similar and have used many Uwe binaries since 1.6 alpha with very little issues, if any. As with the official binaries.

Best regards,


Currently we are not organized enough to provide all binaries
at the time of the announcement. As with any volunteer project
the only remedy is that you either join our project to fix it
or patiently wait when the windows branch of developers solve
the situation.


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