Viva LyX! From another lowly scholar in the humanities.


On 09/27/11 at 03:52pm, Påvel Nicklasson wrote:
> I have just published my first book written in LyX and I want to thank the
> developers and the members on the list for a fantastic program and help
> using it.
> I think I have understood that many LyX-users are scientists. I am a lowly
> scholar in the humanities, an archaeologist, and LyX is a suberb tool for
> writing and designing our kind of books too.
> The book is in Swedish with the title: ”Att aldrig vandra vill Johan Haquin
> Wallman Sveriges förste arkeolog”. Translated to English: ”Never to wander
> astray: Johan Haquin Wallman, Sweden’s first archaeologist”. It‘s a
> biography over an archaeologist from the early 19th century.
> If my work can be used to promote LyX on the website or other places, I
> could provide more information.
> Best Regards
> Påvel Nicklasson


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