On 10/07/2011 05:48 PM, Jane Shevtsov wrote:
I did as you suggested (installed IM version 6.7.2-10-Q16-windows-dll, which is the one they recommend if you're not sure which to get, made sure it was on the path, and reconfigured LyX) and am still getting the same error message. How do you specify a converter?
Go to Tools > Preferences ... > File Handling > Converters, select TIFF as the "From format" and PNG (or whatever you like) as the "To format", fill in the command in the Converter entry, then click Add followed by Save. I'm not sure what you'll need for the converter command; try "convert $$i png:$$o" as a first stab.

You should not need to do this, though. LyX uses a Python script to handle graphics conversions where no special converter is defined, and since some of your TIFF files convert correctly, the converter script itself is working. Have you tried converting one of the problem TIFFs to PNG at a command prompt using the newly installed version of IM? Does it convert correctly? If so, try putting the path to the IM convert program in Tools > Preferences ... > Paths > PATH Prefix (then save and restart LyX) to ensure that LyX is using the full version.


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