On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Horst Jurkat
<horstjur...@onlinehome.de> wrote:
> Am 16.01.2012 16:32, schrieb stefano franchi:
>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 9:06 AM, Horst Jurkat<horstjur...@onlinehome.de>
>>  wrote:
>>> Am 16.01.2012 15:11, schrieb stefano franchi:
>>>> Horst,
>>>> I have no clue about your printing issues, but there is an Arial clone
>>>> available in Latex.
>>>> Check out this link:
>>>> http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/arial/
>>>> Also, what do you mean by "printing under Firefox"?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Stefano
>>>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 6:09 AM, Horst Jurkat<horstjur...@onlinehome.de>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> my problem that I cannot solve after x "google" searches:
>>>>> I use lyx 2.02 under ubuntu 11.10. In my office I have to use the font
>>>>> arial. Because this font is not to choose in the standard settings I
>>>>> have
>>>>> choose hevetica. But when I print the document the text is bad (light);
>>>>> only
>>>>> when I print it out in pdf-format (with foxitreader) it looks fine.
>>>>> Therefore I tried to find a way to use arial.ttf. I installed the newer
>>>>> texlive version 2011 (full, with xetex and luatex) and found that there
>>>>> are
>>>>> many fonts (incl. arial.ttf) under /usr/share/fonts/... But after that
>>>>> Lyx
>>>>> does not show more fonts which can be checked under the document
>>>>> settings.
>>>>> When I check the box "Non-Tex-Fonts use (via XeTex/LuaTex)" I can
>>>>> choose
>>>>> many more fonts, also arial, but when I print the document Lyx give me
>>>>> a
>>>>> document with many other layouts
>>>>> than checked (the standard text format for new documents) and also with
>>>>> a
>>>>> bad light character.
>>>>> Has anyone an idea what to do or change to be able to use other
>>>>> ttf-fonts
>>>>> or
>>>>> to print in a acceptable way (like under firefox)?
>>>>> Thank you in advance.
>>>>> Horst
>>> Stefano,
>>> excuse me: I mean "printing under Foxitreader".
>>> I have installed the package (arial clone), but after "texhash" und
>>> reconfigure under Lyx I find no changes.
>> The Arial clone comes in a package. You must follow the instruction
>> provide in the link I sent you:
>> Go to Document>>Setting»Latex Preamble
>> and type (or cut and paste the following)
>> \usepackage[scaled]{uarial}
>> \renewcommand*\familydefault{\sfdefault} %% Only if the base font of
>> the document is to be sans serif
>> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
>> The last instruction may not be necessary.
>> Cheers,
>> Stefano
> Stefano,
> I have followed the instructions and added the Preamble: the same result.
> But when I check out the box "Non-Tex-Fonts use (via XeTex/LuaTex)" and
> print I became a "latex-error: uarial.sty not found"?
> This style is - after installing the named package - in the texlive
> directories, but why Lyx do not find this?
> Sorry, but now I have to work in my office for several ours.

My fault. I didn't check up on the web page, which was probably old.

You can do one of two things:

1. Download the correct arial package from ctan:


follow the installation instruction and see whether it works. On my
system, it works fine with output to dvi. It does not work with output
to pdflatex. Apparently there is a missing font or, more likely,
pdflatex cannot find it. People on the list more expert than me on
Tex's font management may be able to help.

2. Use xelatex and your system's fonts. If you are on Windows, You
might have it on your system already. For Mac you can download it
here, if you don't have it already. On Linux, use Nimbus San L, which
is an Arial clone (how close a clone, I don't know. You may want to
check closely, especially if your organization (like mine) has a
"brand management team." You don't want to mess with these people...).
You may also install the original Microsoft fonts and convert them to
a format usable by Linux/Mac (look at the sourceforge project here,
for instance: http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/)

Hope it helps,


Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies            Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

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