Thanks Ignacio

I will do it but I partially solve the problem by unfloating the table, what happens now is that I cannot referentiate it as I do in the floating table and I have an additional issue which is common: have a table description personalized for each page adding the word "Continuation..." in the description except in the first page, does anyone know how to proceed in this case

Alex Vergara Gil
MSc. Física Nuclear
Laboratorio Secundario de Calibración Dosimétrica
Centro de Protección e Higiene de las Radiaciones
Calle No. 4113 e/ 41 y 47  Playa, C de la Habana
C.P.11300 La Habana, Cuba
Dirección postal A.P.6195 C.P.10600
Telf: (537)6829681, (537)6821803
Fax: (537)2030165

El 21/03/2012 11:02 a.m., Ignacio García escribió:

Alex Vergara Gil wrote on Wed, 21 Mar 2012

>  Hello lyxers!

> I'm not quite new to lyx but I'm still considering myself as newbie, may anyone tell > me how can I set up a long table which occupy more than one page, so it has (the same) > headings on every page? I'm refusing to create more than one table guessing
> where it start a new page.

Take a look at section 2.6 of the 'Embedded Objects', menu 'Help'
Ignacio García

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