On Jul 31, 2012, at 4:10 AM, Eric Weir wrote:

> I've been away from LyX for a while, writing in Vim. I now have a document 
> that I need to cut down to 3,500 words from just under 5,000, put references 
> in, and get into APA format in Word. Normally, I would dump the draft in 
> Scrivener, do this work, then compile for Word. I really want to get 
> completely over into working within Vim/LyX/LaTeX. I'm considering dumping 
> the draft in LyX and working from within it. My deadline---probably not a 
> hard one---is tomorrow.
> Having been away from LyX for a while, I'm a little rusty. I don't know if 
> this is even possible. When I click on "View other formats," the RTF format 
> is greyed out. If in fact I can compile for or export to RTF, I'd like to 
> give it a try.

I started a new thread that might be of interest to this one (and how many 

The thread is "Anyone convert LyX to ODT or docx using pandoc?"


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