On Thu, 18 Oct 2012 23:03:35 +0200
jezZiFeR iMap <jezzi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2.
> Maybe I subsribed with one of the following:
> jezzi...@gmail.com
> jezzi...@googlemail.com
> Unfortunately I don’t have the welcome message anymore…

Have you tried unsubscribing using these two addresses? I don't use
Gmail, so I  don't know whether this is feasible sending from Gmail,
but with SMTP it is certainly possible to set the "From" field as
something other than the actual sender.

Note that the mail server is almost certainly case-sensitive, so while
it may send an email addressed to jezzi...@gmail.com to the same place
as an email addressed to jezzi...@gmail.com, it might not regard them
as the same address when editing lists.


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