On 16/12/2012 7:58 p.m., Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
Have a look at BibDesk,

takes 1% of the time you took to re-invent the wheel.


On 2012-04-17 10:39 , Andrew Parsloe wrote:
On 17/04/2012 8:43 p.m., PhilipPirrip wrote:
Excuse me for not trying what you've done, but I have to ask first: why
do you think this is better than using Mendeley, for instance, or some
other bibliography management software?


So why don't I get Mendeley (or whatever)? There are many
answers to that: life is short and there are lots of things I want to
learn other than new software;

Old emails never die! This is going back to April. I know there are many fine bibliography managers, and any mention of the subject always has people bringing out their favourites. (The same thing happens with drawing programs.) The impulse that led me to explore editing & maintaining bibliographies in LyX was that it gave me a vast improvement over doing the same in a text editor (which is what I had done) and it meant that I didn't need to learn a new program -- and I was fascinated by how far one could push LyX in this direction. I'm retired now. I have only the most occasional need for a bibliography manager. And when I do, I prefer to use a program I know thoroughly (LyX), even if for this purpose it lacks the bells & whistles of dedicated programs. For people in active academic or professional life, the criteria are different.


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