Dear Stefano,

thank you so much for your thorough answer, which really helped me. All of the 
procedures you described to test my TeX-installation worked fine, and for me it 
is LyX, which is not working correctly. As I also have had several other 
problems witch my computer and with its permissions I am now looking for that. 
It could be, that LyX does not have the permissions to change its settings.

I think this will take a little time now, I just wanted to let you know, that 
your instructions were very helpful, and that I could use LyX hopefully soon 


Am 09.03.2013 um 17:49 schrieb stefano franchi:

> On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 10:10 AM, jezZiFeR <> wrote:
> I could also open terminal, but I do not understand what to do then. What 
> exactly should I do on the desktop folder? There is the file, but I do not 
> know what to do with it, and I do not know how to compile manually.
> I also do not know how to run biber. Do I not need to exchange my settings 
> then first? This is when LyX crashes all the times…
> Hope you could help, thank you so much!
> Jess
> Hi Jess,
> what I am suggesting is that you try to issue the latex commands directly 
> (instead of lyx doing it for you in the background). That way you could see 
> if latex (and biber) are behaving properly, which would mean your problem is 
> with lyx. This is what you do.
> 1. Open a terminal window. You will see a prompt, something ending with a $ 
> sign. From here on I will indicate the commands you need to enter by putting 
> them on a single line, preceded by the $ character. You need to type what 
> follows the $.
> 2. change directory to the Desktop folder. You would type
>            $cd ~/Desktop 
> (or the German equivalent, I'm not sure if the Mac translates the directory 
> names. I doubt it, though)
> 3. Check that both the .tex file and the .bib file are present in the 
> directory:
>    $ ls Minimal-Example-neu.tex
>   $ ls Diss3.bib
> In both cases you shoudl get back the name of the file(s). If they are not 
> present, you'll get an error message. In that case, go back to the finder and 
> moves the files to the desktop. Repeat step 3 until you are sure the files 
> are there (no error messages)
> 4. compile the tex file with lualatex (this is latex with the lua backend, 
> which is what you had selected in your lyx file):
>    $lualatex Minimal-Example-neu.tex
> If compilation works (as it should), you should see a lot of text being 
> spitted out on the terminal. At the end, on the last line, it should say:
> Output written on Minimal-Example-neu.pdf
> If not, then you have a problem with your tex installation. Stop here 
> 5. Go to the Desktop in the Finder. Open Minimal-Example-neu.pdf in preview 
> or other pdf reader. You should see your example nicely typeset, but with no 
> references yet. It will show the ref keys in bold. This is as it should be, 
> you haven't run your bib processor yet (biber). You'll do that next
> 6. Go back to the terminal. Check again that you are in the right directory:
> $pwd
> This means "present working directory". It should reply that you are in 
> /Users/Your-user-name/Desktop. If not, repeated step 2 above
> 7. Run biber. You do that with the command:
> biber Minimal-Example-neu
> (notice that you don't type the .tex suffix this time)
> Biber should run, read your bib file and analyze your references. It will 
> spit out a few lines to the terminal. Each line will begin with either "INFO" 
> or "WARNING" or "ERROR" You should only have "INFO" and "WARNING" lines. The 
> next to last line should tell you that Minimal-Example-neu.bbl has been 
> created. Here is the complete output when I run manually biber on your file:
> INFO - This is Biber 1.5
> INFO - Logfile is 'Minimal-Example-neu.blg'
> INFO - Reading 'Minimal-Example-neu.bcf'
> INFO - Found 4 citekeys in bib section 0
> INFO - Processing section 0
> INFO - Looking for bibtex format file '/home/stefano/Desktop/Diss3.bib' for 
> section 0
> INFO - Decoding LaTeX character macros into UTF-8
> INFO - Found BibTeX data source '/home/stefano/Desktop/Diss3.bib'
> WARN - I didn't find a database entry for 'LeWitt:1999uq' (section 0)
> INFO - Overriding locale 'en_US.UTF-8' default tailoring 'variable = shifted' 
> with 'variable = non-ignorable'
> INFO - Sorting 'entry' list 'nty' keys
> INFO - No sort tailoring available for locale 'en_US.UTF-8'
> INFO - Writing 'Minimal-Example-neu.bbl' with encoding 'UTF-8'
> INFO - Output to Minimal-Example-neu.bbl
> You have a warning, because your bib file is missing a reference. But 
> everything else is fine. If this is not what you get---and especially if you 
> get ERROR lines---stop here and report back. Otherwise you're almost done.
> 8. Run lualatex again as in step 4 above. Twice. That is, go back to step 4, 
> run lualatex, and then do it again.
> 9. Check your pdf file as you did in step 5 above. You should now be able to 
> see your references. 
> Now, if all steps 1-9 worked, you have a perfectly functioning tex 
> installation, and your problem is indeed with lyx. In which case, I would 
> try, in this order:
> - reconfigure lyx with Tools>reconfigure (then exit lyx and restart)
> - reinstall Lyx from scratch.
> If, on the other hand, you cannot complete steps 1-9 above successfully, you 
> may have a problem with your TeX installation. Report back and we'll try to 
> find out what it is.
> Cheers,
> S.
> -- 
> __________________________________________________
> Stefano Franchi
> Associate Research Professor
> Department of Hispanic Studies            Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
> Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
> College Station, Texas, USA

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