Damien Desfontaines wrote:

> Hello,
> Following the advice given by scottksty in the following thread:
>     http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/116462/wrong-names-for-
> I am sending a minimal example showing my problem, that is, the name
> of the AMS theorems layouts appear in french in the PDF files produced
> by LyX, even if the language of the document is set to english. I use
> LyX 2.0.3, my user interface is in french, but as you can see in the
> .lyx file, my document's language is english.
> I also attached to this e-mail the .tex file generated by "Export" →
> "LaTeX (pdflatex)", which shows the problem: below the commentary line
> « Textclass specitif LaTeX commands », the thm environment is set with
> a french name:
>     \theoremstyle{plain}
>     \newtheorem{thm}{Théorème}
> The same thing happens for all other amsthm environments, except,
> strangely, for the proof environment.

This is not the code LyX 2.0.x produces. LyX produces




for a single language english document, and for a multi language document 
(english and french) it would additionaly write the following two lines:


Therefore, I guess that you used the translated layout files from 
wiki.lyx.org for 1.6.x (LyX only got native support for layout translations 
in the output with version 2.0.0), and that these layout files are still 
lying around and being used. I guess that the problem will go away if you 
rename ~/.lyx/layouts to ~/.lyx/layouts-tmp and reconfigure. If that helps, 
you can move those layouts back to ~/.lyx/layouts which you want to keep.

> I hope that I have described the problem clearly enough and that my
> example is minimal enough so that you do not waste your time on it.

It is a perfect minimal example, and since you also included the .tex output 
I am pretty sure that it helped to identify the real cause of the problem.


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