stefano franchi wrote:
> Has anyone managed to get forward/reserve search fully working when using
> LuaTeX as a backend?
> Automatic setting fails with LuaTeX (for me, at least).
> I got reverse search (from pdf to lyx) working by following the manual
> setup instructions in the Additional Features manual: creating a custom
> format (pdf6: Luatex/Synctex) and changing the compilation instruction to:
> lualatex -synctex=1 $$i

Time to send us patch with some paragraph or footnote in additional manual :)

> Regular LuaTeX compilation would otherwise fail with an "Undefined control
> sequence" error on the /synctex line in the preamble.
> But I cannot get the forward search (lyx-->pdf) working properly. When I
> select "Forward search" from the pop-up dialog I always get a new okular
> instance. The Okular command in Tools->Preferences->Output->General is
> okular --unique "$$o#src:$$n $$f"
> Apparently, the unique flag is ignored.

Does forward search work with normal pdflatex? Any error message?
How old is your okular, IIRC there were such issues with old versions.

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