Dear Bob,
In general, providing the exported latex file (File/Export/Latex menu
item), the bbl file that contains your bibliography (if you use bibtex),
and the figures in a format accepted by the journal  is sufficient.

Le mardi 17 septembre 2013, Bob Alvarez a écrit :

> I recently had a paper accepted by an American Institute of Physics
> journal. The paper was reviewed from pdf documents created by Lyx but now
> the AIP emails: "Please upload your article file as a Word or Tex file. AIP
> production cannot use a PDF as the article source file." I assume they want
> to reformat the article for the standard of the journal.
> I have read several threads on the  User's group and this does not seem as
> simple as doing a  File|export|latex.
> Some issues that seem to come up are handling citations, and figures.
> Can anyone suggest a step-by-step method for a Tex newbie to create a
> package that I can send them? The package might include the Latex file
> created by one of the export options (please specify which one), my bibtex
> file, plus ???
> BTW, my figures are all in eps format and I assume the AIP can use those??
> FWIW, I am using Lyx 2.0.6 on a Windows 7 64 bit system.
> Bob

Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
Avenue Léon Duguit
33608 Pessac cedex

Bureau : E-331



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