So it appears that the reason is that biber does not escape the abstract of
a reference, even if it doesn't at all display that abstract. Specifically
this is occurring if a percentage sign is within the abstract. Apparently
all percentage signs must be escaped? Is this a bug with lyx or with biber?


On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 5:21 PM, Benedict Holland <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I tried using biber and biblatex following the instructions here:
> I received some very strange errors like "Lonely \item - perhaps a missing
> list environment" when some of my references were included. It was actually
> 2/35 which were throwing the error except the error wasn't anywhere near
> those references. Even so, there was nothing wrong with the references and
> they worked perfectly well when generated using bibtex8. I examined the two
> references which caused problems and they were exactly the same as any
> other reference. Again, they work in bibtex8 but not biber.
> Does anyone know what could cause this error? When these two references
> are removed the document compiles but I need these references.
> ~Ben

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