Dear Sztuka Fabryka,
 Wow,what a shock,I had just glanced over to see that I had a message and I saw,Baudhuin Simon's name,I thought he saw my name on the yahoo MA group list and had sent a message.I'm trying to think when the last time I wrote him.It must of been in the last 2 years,when I was living in the Stanley Hotel,in S.F..That's very sad news.He will have been the 4th person that has passed away (that I know of) that I've known through Mail Art...Tibor Papp,Robin Crozier and Ray Johnson.I always thought of him whenever I saw a pig or pig-related merchandise and always will.
Take Care,david

Sztuka Fabryka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I received today the news that Belgian mail-artists Baudhuin Simon has
passed away on Thursday 9 March. I was not in contact with him the past
years, due to reasons, but as a great wise man said. Every person who dies
is another museum burned down.
Will remember the good moments.

I haven't got any information of cause of death as he has died very young, I
believe he must be mid fifties and was living a very healthy life.


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