
I've been working on getting client certificates to run on OSX with Apple KeyChain in Java Webstart. KeychainStore works fine if it is passed a keystore password. It does not use it, at least not when trying to create a KeyStore with a private key entry.

Java Webstart tries to load private keys from KeyChain if the browser keystore is activated. Unfortunately it tries to load the private key with an empty password (a char[0]), and KeychainStore rejects to load the private key then. It works fine for the trust store, as there are no private keys involved.

A simple "fix" for this is to set a dummy password in KeychainStore if no password is passed in engineGetKey, e.g. like this:

        if (password == null || password.length ==0) {
            password = "DUMMY".toCharArray();

Well, not really a fix, but rather a POC that the empty password is in fact the 

I've not found out what exactly it is that the private key is not loaded, I just verified that the empty password passed by javaws causes it. Before I try to dig into KeychainStore - any idea why the private keys are not loaded if the password is empty?



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