
As you probably know, an Apple sandboxed application can read only files that 
the user selected with a standard file dialog box or from an Open Recent menu. 
In a sandboxed Swing application, this obliges to use FileDialog AWT class to 
select files but this is not a big issue since JFileChooser class is so poor. 
Managing an Open Recent menu from a such an application is much more tricky 
because Apple lets you read only the recent files managed by a menu created 
with a nib file, and menus in a Swing application are not created that way.
As all programers who use a non standard framework for their application have 
the same issue, a simple search 
might give some tips like the following one
which proposes to create a dummy nib file containing only "File > Open recent" 
menu, retrieve recent files returned by recentDocumentURLs in 
NSDocumentController class, and then uses these recent files to populate your 
own menu.
Would it be possible to use this tip to create a new method in 
com.apple.eawt.Application that would return the recent files?

Thanks for your suggestions,
Sweet Home 3D developer
Email  : puyba...@eteks.com
Web    : http://www.eteks.com

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