On Dec 1, 2005, at 2:03 PM, James Harvard wrote:

(It's always the one thread you don't find in the archives that holds the key.)

Yep. A needle in a stack of needles, as one of the guys said in "Saving Private Ryan".

Now to throw myself headlong into the world of wxperl.

That's certainly a good idea for portable scripts. It's pre-installed on Tiger, and will allow your script to run virtually unchanged on a variety of platforms.

Having said that... When running on the Mac, wxWindows isn't very Mac- like. So unless you specifically want to focus on portability, you might want to use a Mac-native toolkit, such as Cocoa with CamelBones.

Downloading and installing Xcode 1.5 worked for me, but the download is only available from connect.apple.com (not the usual downloads page or the developer.apple.com download page).

D'oh! My mistake, sorry.


Cocoa programming in Perl: http://camelbones.sourceforge.net
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