
Although I'm a long time Perl (Unix) developer, I'm
very new to the Mac world.  I'm currently developing a
perl script on OSX and wish to port it to OS9.  I have
had very little exposure to OSX (I love it) and even
less exposure to OS9.

The script is run only from the command line with
parameters (ie ./code.cgi -f file.txt -log no) and it
runs well from the terminal on OSX.  My question is,
if I go ahead and install MacPerl on OS9, will users
still be able to run the script with parameters?  If
yes, how?  If no, what are the alternatives?  I'd
prefer not to use the browser at this time.

My apologies for the inexperienced question.  Thank
you in advance for your time.

Oorbee Roy

oorbee roy

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