On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 08:33:24 +0100, louis wrote:

>i just download the "MacPerl 5.6.1r2 Full Installer" in the Mac OS Classic 
>(pre-X) section. but it's impossible to expend this binarie archive.
>my os is 8.6, carbonLib 1.6 and stuffit 7.0.1. 
>i look at the type/creator of the downloaded file and see : BINA/hDmp.
>hDmp ?? hoho.... it's a disk image format for jaguar (osx 10.2) no ?

I recently upgraded myself, MacOS 8.6 also, and I can confirm that it
works. Perhaps your browser didn't complete its work when downloading
the file? Perhaps it's your MIME type to creator/type mapper.
"BINA/hDmp" sounds like "binary/hexdump" to me. So it's just some
anonymous, likely unassociated binary file.

Do you have Stuffit Expander? Dropping the downloaded file (which is
supposed to be a .bin file) on it, might expend it to the actual
installer, which is a program.


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