Hi Erwan,

Try using the -n flag (don't upgrade dependencies in upgrade). I also use -u (uninstall non-active ports when upgrading and uninstalling) to get rid of old versions, along with -f to force it to do that when the old versions have things that depend on them installed. Do note, however, that you may need to rebuild ports that depend on ports that you have upgraded if you find that they don't work, in which case you can use "sudo port -ufn upgrade" rebuild the ports one by one (it's tedious, but I do it when needed).

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Maun Suang

On 30/04/2007, at 06:29, Erwan David wrote:

Le Sun 29/04/2007, Yves de Champlain disait

Le 07-04-29 à 16:06, Erwan David a écrit :

I am doing some upgrades of the installed ports, but for each port
and gperf get recompiled and reinstalled

For 6 or 7 ports it makes that upgrade takes more than 1 day on my
PB G4.

What can I do for port to see libiconv is already the latest
version and it does not need to recompile it ?

Are you using the -f force flag  ?

Yes otherwise ports won't uninstall old versions of libraries when upgrading them.

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Boey Maun Suang (Boey is my surname)

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