On Apr 30, 2007, at 5:03 AM, Hubert Spall - Tamarin Design Ltd. wrote:

Thanks Yves for fixing the install. Unfortunately now it installs but won't start up, with the following error:

BinReloc failed to initialize:
Domain: 1 (GBinReloc)
Code: 4
Message: Binary relocation support is disabled.

(denemo:4715): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

I did notice that there is a variant universal which is not listed on the darwinports denemo page, but I can't install denemo unless I leave this off - maybe this is relevent?

Any help would be appreciated - I am a newbie with macports and unix apps in general, so sorry if I am missing something obvious (I did try the wiki/forum/google first).


macports-users mailing list

You need an X server running before you run this. Apple includes one on the installation discs. If it is installed it would be in / Applications/Utilities/X11.app. It would also help to setup your DISPLAY environment variable. Add "export DISPLAY=:0.0" without quotes to ~/.profile if you are using BASH.

- Jeff
macports-users mailing list

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