On Apr 28, 2007, at 11:10 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

On Apr 28, 2007, at 23:26, js wrote:

How did you install php5?
I installed php5 wtih

$ sudo port install php5 -macosx +pear +sqlite +postgresql +mysql5 +apache

I think '-macosx' is culprit.

I agree! I overlooked that earlier. I scanned the line to quickly before and my brain read something like "-mysql" which didn't make sense but then I didn't go back and read it again. Bad brain, bad!

variant macosx {
       configure.args-append \
               --with-ldap=/usr \
               --with-kerberos=/usr \

I specified '-macosx' because I don't want to use osx-prpvided libs.

Specifying "-macosx" is ... weird. Variants like macosx and darwin_8 are auto-selected by MacPorts; you should not be selecting (or, as in your case, unselecting) them by hand.

I haven't touched the macosx variant since taking over the port. I don't even know what iodbc is. And I know very very little about kerberos.

Is it just --with-kerberos=/usr you're objecting to here, or the other two lines as well?

MacPorts philosophy is in general to use its own software, not system-provided libraries, unless there's a compelling reason. I don't know what the reason was for using ldap, kerberos and iodbc from the OS here. If anyone knows, please chime in.


wanted to hopefully clarify a couple things here ...

first, using the "-macosx" does not actually disable the osx variant except when it is the *first* variant on the command line (also does nothing to add it to variants.conf since these get appended). more details can be found in this thread: http://lists.macosforge.org/ pipermail/macports-users/2006-December/000954.html.

i believe the real problem here, though, is the macosx variant itself, which should not be enabled by default (if even permitted at all), as noted in this bug report: http://trac.macports.org/projects/ macports/ticket/3079 (which was erroneously closed before being fixed i think). i seem to recall someone stating that the original rationale in using this variant (+macosx) by default was to make it as easy as possible for new macports users to install php4 without needing duplicate installation of apache.

the best solution ive found here (for both php4 & php5 ports) has been to:

1. add --with-kerberos=${prefix} to the default configure.args list
2. add port:kerberos5 to the default depends_lib list (to satisfy kerb dependency in #1) 3. remove all references to "variant macosx" from the Portfile (including anything inside conditionals like "if {[variant_isset macosx]}")

as for the other configure.args specified inside the macosx variant (ldap & iodbc), i dont know what they do or why they were included originally ... ive been leaving them out of both php portfiles altogether for over a year without issue.


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