On May 20, 2007, at 11:40 PM, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

Another solution would be to add a /opt/local/gnu directory, with (at
least) bin and man subdirectories for GNU utilities. The files with
the g prefix would still be installed in the standard place IMHO, but
the files without the prefix would be installed under /opt/local/gnu.
Then the end user could choose to add /opt/local/gnu/bin to his $PATH
before /opt/local/bin if he prefers the GNU utilities, or after if he
prefers the other ones. If for some particular commands, he wants a
different choice, he can still add a symbolic link into /usr/local/bin
or $HOME/bin...

That sounds reasonable, but it looks like my problem is resolved with some manual cleanup. I removed /opt/local/bin/su and did a forced reinstall of heimdal.

white:~ root# port provides /opt/local/bin/su
/opt/local/bin/su is provided by: heimdal
white:~ root# port provides /opt/local/bin/gsu
/opt/local/bin/gsu is provided by: coreutils

Paul Beard
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