Le 21 sept. 07 à 23:09, Chris Janton a écrit :

On 2007-09-21 , at 13:14 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

I am the maintainer of php5 (along with jwa). I have received your question but have not had time to reproduce the problem or investigate a solution yet. I have been out of town without network access.

According to comments/notes found here


the error log that Apache wants to write to must be writable by the Apache user - www.

If you change the ownership on this file

        error_log = /Users/simon/Library/Logs/php_error.log


        chown www /Users/simon/Library/Logs/php_error.log

and restart Apache errors *should* get written to that log file. Of course now you may have problems with CLI PHP writing to that file, but, well...

Works for me

  php5 @5.2.4_0+apache+darwin_8+macosx+mysql5+pear (active)

Chris Janton  - face at CentosPrime dot COM
Netminder for Opus1.COM

From what I know, Apache modules will write log messages in Apache logs.

Anthony Ramine, the infamous MacPorts Trac slave.

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