Le 23 oct. 07 à 14:04, Barry Schiffman a écrit :

I've just installed most of gnome, following what
Randall said in a thread Oct. 5, and I've got a
working version  (greatly appreciated!) but with a few
missing pieces.

I was wondering if there was anything more I could do
about the handful of problems. I got various compiler
errors from:

-- gnome-desktop-suite
-- gedit
-- gnome-applets
-- seahorse

I have an Intel Mac Mini, with OS X 10.4.10, XCode
version 2.4.1, X11 version 1.1.3, SDKs 10.4u.

I think these are the latest.



Could you tell us which were those compiler errors you're talking about?


Anthony Ramine, the infamous MacPorts Trac slave.

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