On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 06:49:04PM -0800, Charles Day said:
> Greetings,
> I am one of the GnuCash developers, so I read with some excitement Olaf
> Foellinger's report that he was able to build GnuCash without X11. If I can
> repeat his success and test it out, I hope that at some point we might be
> able to begin offering GnuCash for Mac in native form.
> However, I tried it myself without much luck. Perhaps someone could advise.
> I have a brand-new MacBook Pro now (10.5.5), on which I installed MacPorts.
> I started with the following:
> sudo port install dbus +no_x11
> sudo port install cairo +no_x11
> sudo port install pango +no_x11
> sudo port install gtk2 +no_x11

I think you might want to add +quartz in there as well, someone mentioned
there isn't complete consistency on naming (though +quartz is more specific
than just +no_x11).  I can't speak from personal experience on this,
however, since my gtk stuff is all X11.

> I wasn't sure what to do at this point, so I tried:
> sudo port clean gnome-desktop
> sudo port install gnome-desktop +no_x11
> However this failed too:
> /usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -dynamiclib  -o .libs/libgnome-desktop-
> -Wl,CoreAudio -install_name  /opt/local/lib/libgnome-desktop-2.7.dylib
> -compatibility_version 10 -current_version 10.4 -Wl,-single_module
> i686-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.0.1: /usr/X11/lib/libXrandr.2.0.0.dylib: No such
> file or directory
> make[3]: *** [libgnome-desktop-2.la] Error 1
> make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make: *** [all] Error 2

That's an issue with the default X11 for 10.5, which has buggy .la files;
see ticket #17008:


But more interesting is that it's still linking against X11 libraries at
all, so maybe it's the +quartz issue I mentioned.


> Forgive me if the answer is obvious, but this is my first day using MacPorts
> and in fact I am new to Apple in general.
> Cheers,
> Charles
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