On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:24 AM, Rainer Müller <rai...@macports.org> wrote:
> Doctor Who wrote:
>> However, I can't figure out how to get the spell check feature
>> working.  I have no dictionary listed in the Configuration
>> preferences.  Can anyone help with that?  I have enchant and gtkspell2
>> installed.
> enchant uses the aspell dictionaries, just install any of the
> aspell-dict-* ports and they will appear in this list.
> Rainer

So, I want to try to remove and then re-install claws-mail so that it
picks up the aspell dictionary.  I tried:

sudo port deactivate claws-mail
sudo port uninstall claws-mail

I then re-installed claws-mail but all of my previous account settings
were still there and the drop-down for dictionaries was still blank.

So how do I do this 'correctly'?
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