On Jan 24, 2009, at 5:16 AM, Jason Hirsh wrote:

I have successfully accomplished this... but frankly the process just doesn't sit well with my sense of things.. I now have two complete Apache installations... and have to do work arounds to get the port installation to work

(apache2ctl etc)

Isn't there away to install the port version over the orginal installation? it just seems the more orderly way of doing things

No, and you will get used to it as well. The first time Apple update httpd.conf you will be thankful, and they have done so in the past. Apple also runs periodic scripts that roll out your logs. Compressing them is nice, rolling them to deletion is not.

Apple's kit is more in line with casual serving, not something long term and to be hit hard. Not to say it can not, but it will bite you. The main thing is, good luck getting php even moderately usable with Apple's stuff, and they will break it eventually.

Ports needs some caution as well, as an upgrade, iirc, can nuke your settings as well. I too did not like the change in command I had to learn, but you quickly learn to appreciate the isolation.

You can solve your issues in a few simple ways. Add /opt/local/bin and whatever /opt paths you want to your $PATH, first in order. Those commands will now take priority.

You can also just move aside apachectl and symblink it to the ports version. In the end, really, how often are you restarting apache anyway.

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