I don't see where. All my googling renders nothing about having postfix not use syslogd for logging. I'm sure it's there and just a case of keywords like postfix change log location returning postfix changelog history.

If anyone knows how to tell postfix to log to a file of my choice or use a macports syslog-ng would be oh so groovy.


On Feb 28, 2009, at 6:14 PM, Scott Haneda wrote:

Can't you just change the log in your postfix config to a new path?
Iphone says hello.

On Feb 28, 2009, at 5:47 PM, Bradley Giesbrecht <b...@pixilla.com> wrote:

What are others doing for logging?

Postfix wants to use syslog facilities and I would like to move the logs from /var/log to /opt/local/var/xxx.

But changing /etc/syslog.conf doesn't seem like a macports way of doing it.

I'm not totally opposed to making changes to /etc/syslog.conf but I wouldn't be surprised if Apple supdates over wrote them some day.

I'll figure this out but in case there is something more or less standard for macports packages I thought I'd ask.

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