It's not really that you can't put stuff in /usr/local... it's just
that if you do, likely macports won't work properly, and we won't be
able to support it, so you're on your own.  It will depend on the
ports you use etc etc.  There are large numbers of problems reported
on the mailing list and in the ticket system that in the end are
caused by other software the user has installed in /usr/local.


On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 8:24 PM, Ryan Schmidt <> wrote:
> On Oct 26, 2011, at 19:00, Phil Dobbin wrote:
>> On 26/10/11 at 00:32, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>> On Oct 26, 2011, at 18:18, Phil Dobbin wrote:
>>>> The version of MySQL I have in /usr/local was compiled before I started 
>>>> using macports.
>>> Yes, and any port you install thereafter might conceivably look for and 
>>> link with this MySQL unexpectedly, which could cause errors.
>> Interesting. Under normal circumstances when compiling if you want `make` to 
>> link to includes and/or libs other than what shipped with the makefile ,you 
>> have to explicitly tell it to i.e.
>> CFLAGS=”-I/usr/local/foo/include/bar”
>> LIBS="-L/usr/local/foo/lib/bar -lmyfooclient"
> Yes, and if it's /usr/local/foo we're talking about (/usr/local/foo/lib, 
> /usr/local/foo/include), or most any other prefix, then there's no problem. 
> But if it's /usr/local we're talking about (/usr/local/lib, 
> /usr/local/include), then it's a problem because the compiler looks there 
> without you needing to tell it to. We'd love to tell the compiler not to do 
> that, but we don't know how to do so in a way that doesn't have other 
> consequences. It's come up many times before and the best we can offer at 
> this time is don't install software in prefix /usr/local.
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