> Yes, that's what I have read. But that just says why macports
> uses /opt/local: because it cannot use /usr/local, for the reasons listed.
> This here is something *different*: namely, that
> (1) There might still be problems if the user has /usr/local around.

        • Some software (especially auto* tools from Gnu) look in /usr/local as 
a default location
        • /usr/local tends to be a bad choice to have taken over by a 
non-system port system
        • gcc considers /usr/local to be a standard system directory, causing 
(at least) the include directory to be unable to appear early in the list of 
include directories, and hence causing MacPorts-installed items to be difficult 
to use properly for items which need them (where another version is installed 
elsewhere, like/usr/X11R6)

> (2) So the user should not have /usr/local around
> None of that is mentioned at the above link.

It isn't explicitly stated but it is implied.

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