> I recently removed, then reinstalled, MacPorts 2.2.1 trying to diagnose a 
> problem with glib. The problem was that when meld tried to write into the 
> director glib’s g_get_user_dir(), it would get a a permission denied because 
> this directory was under /opt/local/share, which is a system directory.
> After some digging, I found that MacPorts modified my .tcshrc

I can’t find this being done in glib2 or meld.

Which port caused your ~.tcshrc to be modified?

> with three variables that override the glib defaults. These variables, and 
> their values are:
>       setenv XDG_DATA_DIRS   /opt/local/share
>       setenv XDG_DATA_HOME   /opt/local/share
>       setenv XDG_CONFIG_DIRS /opt/local/etc/xdg
> The problem is that these XDG directories are all supposed to be user 
> specific, not system specific. I don’t know why MacPorts picked these values, 
> but they’re clearly wrong. Simply removing these lines caused glib to revert 
> back to reasonable defaults.
> This looks like a bug in the install script. I don’t know who else is having 
> this problem, but the install scripts should never be using these values for 
> these directories, since these directories should never writable by normal 
> users. In fact, I suspect that the system will work just fine without setting 
> these variables at all.
> Thanks.
> --
> jonathankoren
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