> I have been trying to use MacPorts Ruby as the basis for deploying a 
> standalone Ruby-Tk app on Mavericks, just as many developers use MacPorts 
> Python (with PyQt, for instance). This was not working for me because Ruby 
> hard-codes its load path when built, so the binary and dylibs could not be 
> relocated into an app bundle using install_name_tool.
> After doing some additional research, I found the --enable-load-relative 
> flag, which removes hard-coding of the load path and instead allows loading 
> of the libraries relative to the Ruby installation. After editing my portfile 
> and doing some more jiggering, I was able to relocate my build of Ruby into 
> an app bundle without too much difficult.
> Is there any interest in supporting a "relative" variant for Ruby? The 
> portfile edit is trivial, cf below:
> variant relative description "Enable relative loading of libraries to allow 
> for relocation of binaries." {
>        #enable relative loading
>        configure.args-append  --enable-load-relative
> }
> This might open up Ruby as a continued language for desktop development on 
> the Mac in the wake of MacRuby's demise on Mavericks. I've seen some interest 
> among Ruby developers on other platforms who want to port their Ruby app to 
> the Mac, but the lack of deployment tools is a hindrance. While I'm not going 
> to go as far as creating a "rb2app" tool, I will likely post a "how-to" 
> article with some sample code and build scripts.
> How should I submit a variant patch?

Make a ticket and attach the patch there:

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