On 11/2/14 12:57 PM, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
On Sunday November 02 2014 12:06:35 Jeff Singleton wrote:

Back story: In an attempt to figure out why the services mds and
mdworker were running away with my CPU. Nothing I did resolved this,
including putting every single folder except /Applications in the
exception list for Spotlight. This is where I started editing

Did that include switching off indexing for the whole (boot) disk (mdutil -i 
off) followed by a reboot? That ought to have wiped your spotlight folder, 
presuming that the most likely performance culprit would be updating an 
existing (huge) database file ...

macports-users mailing list

Trust me. I tried everything. Resetting the SMC, PRAM, permissions, manually deleting the .Spotlight folder from /. Anything I could find on any Apple related blog/forum, I tried it.

Even going so far as to exclude lots of folders from my home Library folder, the same for System Library folder, my external drive, Bootcamp partition...none of it mattered.

The only thing that had any affect was to stop the mdworker services and the syslogd service. That is the only time the CPU usage dropped and the fans started slowing. Of course, right after I rebooted, they started back up again.

Somewhere in the middle of all that I probably forgot to revert an edit on one of the plist files and thats when it stopped booting to the GUI. Single-user mode was the only way, which required manually mounting my external drives and copying my user folder to it.

Booted to my Mavericks USB installer, completely wiped the main drive, installed Mavericks, and upgraded to Yosemite. Then booted to single-user again, and restored my user home folder.

From that point, mdworker did its initial indexing, and then dropped down to normal usage. Now the fans only spin up when I am actually doing something like compiling something under MacPorts.

macports-users mailing list

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