from macports.conf
# Lowered scheduling priority to use for commands run during configure,
# build, and destroot. Accepted values are 0 (normal priority) through
# 20 (lowest priority).
#buildnicevalue         0

check out Apple command line utility:
pmset noidle

On Aug 20, 2015, at 3:13 PM, Jean-François Caron wrote:

> 1) I want ports to build in parallel when possible, but I’d like to select a 
> maximum number of cores assigned to the job.  My CPU has 8 cores with 
> hyperthreading, and when upgrading e.g. clang, my OS and apps are seriously 
> laggy.  If could limit the number of cores assigned to the job, I’m guessing 
> this wouldn’t happen.  According to my Googles, my only option is to disable 
> parallel builds entirely. Would it be feasible to add an extra option like 
> “buildmaxcores” or something?

> 2) Since my OS is unusable during long builds, I walk away from the computer, 
> but then it goes to sleep the build is paused.  The current advice is to get 
> a non-macports app called Caffeine to do some magic, or write a custom port 
> wrapper to use pmset noidle before and after the port command.  This should 
> be an option in the MacPorts configuration somewhere, one shouldn’t have to 
> resort to 3rd-party apps or scripting to get user-friendiness out of MacPorts.
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