On 02 Nov, 2016, at 16:48 CST, Ralph Seichter <macports...@seichter.de> wrote:
> On 02.11.16 23:24, Rainer Müller wrote:
>> as part of the move off of macOS forge, we will migrate the mailing
>> lists to the new mail server.
> While you are working on the ML anyway: can you please change list
> settings to *not* add footer information to mail bodies or modify
> subject lines. These modifications invalidate DKIM signatures.

I may be mistaken, but doesn't passing mail through an intermediate mailing 
list (not just normal STMP routing) inherently invalidate your source SMTP 
server's DKIM signature?

That is, my understanding was that once it hits lists.macports.org, they're 
essentially a MITM, and the only DKIM signature a recipient should care about 
is theirs. You are no longer the sender: they are, by virtue of multiplexing 
your message out to a bunch of recipients.

Gabriel Rosenkoetter

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